With over 50 years of industry experience, High Temperature Systems, Inc. is a world leader in the innovative design of molten metal circulation, transfer, treatment, and chip submergence solutions.

Casthouse Solutions
High Temperature Systems provides a range of circulation and transfer pumps specifically designed for efficient, reliable, and safe operation, as well as treatment capabilities including rotary degas and flux injection solutions to increase metal quality. These capabilities combined with our refractory lined pipe and intelligent controller options allow for the highest production quality with minimal operator interaction.

We take the time to understand your unique challenges and design a solution that provides the maximum value. Our standard solutions target the aluminum, zinc, tin, and lead industries while our R&D resources develop unique solutions for specialty high-temperature liquid metal and mineral applications.
Our Coriolis® aluminum chip melting system minimizes melt loss during chip recycling operations by submerging the aluminum chips with a forced vortex for maximum efficiency. Chip submergence is powered by a single high-efficiency pump that also provides circulation within the reverberatory melting furnace so there is no need for a secondary circulation pump.
We provide zinc pot circulation and zinc dross pumping solutions for galvanizing operations, as well as zinc transfer pumps for numerous applications - including die casting, pump-out, and hot-dip pot servicing.
Aluminum Treatment
The Trident™ system ensures ideal outcomes every time through repeatable dosing, precise mixing dynamics, and PLC controlled sequencing - bringing the ease of “one-button operation” and touch-panel programming to your plant floor!