
Transfer Pump Types
Closed, Dual Position, and Open Style transfer pumps are available in a range of sizes to accommodate any applications.

Intelligent Control for the Smart Foundry
Nearing the quarter of the 21st century, it seems technology is advancing faster and faster every year. Why shouldn’t your facility advance too? This post will provide some options for you to consider as you’re researching, designing, and improving your process.

Expertly Optimized Solutions
High Temperature Systems, Inc. partners with melt department managers, supervisors, and engineers to craft complete solutions and solve problems that are beyond the reach of industry off-the-shelf solutions. Drawing from our standard product lines and more than 50 years of experience, we can craft solutions unique to your applications and furnace implementations. These solutions encompass aluminum, zinc and lead operations from die casting to galvanizing.
Circulate Continuously - Transfer on Demand
The ideal solution for these furnaces would be a single compact pump that performs both the circulation function and the transfer function. Such a pump would require a mechanism to redirect the output of the pump impeller to either a circulation nozzle or a transfer riser.

Pump Installation Planning Guidelines – Part 2 – Pump Startup Scheduling
Air Supply Considerations for an Air Motor on a Molten Metal Pump
Graphite - Non-Wetting in Molten Zinc
3-Phase Motor Running Backwards?

Why Should I Use a Circulation Pump?
In most real world applications, any one of these benefits results in savings that more than offsets the cost of a circulation pump. As an example, a properly sized and operated circulation pump can increase overall furnace throughput 15% and in some cases 30% for a small fraction of the cost of a furnace expansion project.
Re-use of a Graphite Pump - Not a Warped Idea!
Manual Dross Pumping Best Practices
New Poseidon Series Molten Metal Circulation Pump Brings Radical Dross Reduction
Reduce Melt Loss AND Reduce Your Carbon FootPrint!
Line Reactors Improve Pump Motor Performance

Like a Launder, Only Better!
A launder is used to transport molten metal. The basic construction of a launder is a steel trough lined with refractory material to insulate the molten metal from the steel. (Insulating both thermally and chemically.) The molten metal will lose heat as gravity draws it down the launder. If the heat is lost too quickly, the metal will freeze in the launder. There are a number of factors that influence the rate of heat loss including:
Pre-Storage Pump Inspection - Maintenance Pumps
Preparing the Pump for Storage - Operational Assessment and Removal from Metal
Maintenance Pumps and Typical Use Cases

It's worth saying more than once because a frozen riser is a big maintenance issue. In previous post we outlined the procedure for lowering a molten metal pump into the bath. Once the pump is properly lowered into the molten metal, the pump must be turned on or energized.